Vmware Vcenter Converter Standalone 5.1 Download


All our documentation also comes in PDF, which you can access by selecting the PDF download icon while reading a page or viewing a search result. The VMware vCenter Converter Standalone documentation provides information about installing and using vCenter Converter Standalone. What's New in VMware vCenter Converter Standalone Oct 23, 2013 I'm honored to announce the general availability of 'vCenter Converter 5.5' and it's corresponding SDK component! It is compatible with the latest vSphere 5.5 platform. For additional details you can check the Converter 5.5 release notes: VMware vCenter Converter 5.5 Standalone Release Notes From.

This post is explain you the trouble which i have faced today. Early morning I have to initiate the 2 P2v migrations of Windows servers. So i would basically will install VMware converter software on the source physical machine and will initiate the migrations. So i have installed VMware Converter Standalone server Version 5.0.0 build-470252 and trying to the initiate the p2v migration of the Physical server.

Moving further, There is a step in which we have to provide the vCenter server name and credentials to connect to. My vCenter server is in version 5.1. When i have entered the vCenter server details and credentials using VMware Converter standalone 5.0 and click on next. My converter standalone is Closing unexpectedly. I thought this could be problem with that particular server. I have installed on multiple systems and tried but result is same. My converter software is still closing unexpectedly.

After my analysis, I got to know that which is a know issue. vCenter Converter Standalone 5.0 does not support vCenter Server and ESXi versions later than version 5.0 and My vCenter server version is 5.1. When you attempt to run Converter Standalone 5.0 tasks against vCenter 5.1 instances, Converter software will unexpectedly close.

Solution to fix this issue

Download locations for VMware vCenter Converter Standalone Build 8466193, Downloads: 69349, Size: 168.52 MB. WMware virtual machine convertor. VCenter Converter supports many source physical machines, including Windows and Linux desktop and server editions. It also supports conversion of third-party virtual machines like Hyper-V and KVM. Download locations for VMware vCenter Converter Standalone Build 8466193, Downloads: 69349, Size: 168.52 MB. WMware virtual machine convertor.

Vmware Vcenter Converter Standalone 5.1 Download

1. Download the VMware converter Standalone 5.0.1

2. Upgrade the existing Converter version 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 by running the installer. It will automatically upgrades your older version. Verify the VMware Converter Version from Help option in Converter software and select About VMware vCenter converter standalone. Verify the build number is 5.0.1

3. Initiate the p2v Migration. Thats it. Your job is done Sit and Monitor the progress of the migration.

Vmware Vcenter Converter Standalone 6.1.1

I hope this is informative for you. Thanks for Reading !!